Job Evaluation

Job evaluation service in Jakarta

Job Evaluation

Consistent job evaluation methodology can help you achieve optimal internal equity and external competitiveness to compete in an evolving talent environment.

Job evaluation to determine a job's relative worth within an organization

Job evaluation is a valuable technique by which a more rational and consistent wages and salary structure can be evolved. It eliminates wage inequalities within the organization, helping maintain a harmonious relationship between labor and management and determining a job's relative worth.

A job evaluation exercise will provide transparency around how your organization values jobs and relates them to others organization/company, enabling you to demonstrate fairness in pay.

Establishing and solidifying your pay grades is the first step in building an equitable, competitive compensation structure.

Our consultants will work with your organization to develop an efficient system for assigning responsibilities to each available position and assigning jobs to a certain level. Companies can provide a consistent, fair, transparent, and credible framework by implementing a successful job evaluation plan.

Other Solutions
Job Analysis
Plan a job analysis process with experienced HR professionals to ensure data validity.
Psychological Test Tools
A quick assessment test needs to be developed to ease the HR burden in selecting candidates.
Key Performance Indicator
KPIs serve as that essential guide, providing quantifiable measures of progress and impact.
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